Teaching Children vs. Teaching Adults
July 17th, 2007A new co-host, Clive, squares off with Mark about which is better teaching children or teaching adults. Mark prefers teaching children and has some suggestions for Clive’s problems in children’s classes. Then Clive, who prefers teaching adults, offers Mark some suggestions for Mark’s problems with adult classes.
Clive will be apearing on the show from time to time and we’re very glad to have him. In the first segment of the show we learn about Clive and what he’s doing in Italy. He runs www.eslpodcards.com and if you haven’t been by there yet, stop by and take a look around. Clive explains how to use the articles, listening and worksheets you can find in the Pocard lessons.
Game of the Week: True or False
This is a game that requires little to no preparation. It practices question formation as well as reasoning and being convincing in English. The game is described as practice for past simple but can be easily adapted to suit the present, present perfect, future and more. It’s up to your imagination. Have fun!